Saturday, June 30, 2007

Our friends, Jim and Sue on Water Dancer III, were waiting for us when we returned to Sailcraft in Oriental, NC on Wednesday, June 27. Remember their boat leaned on Palmetto Moon in the Erie Canal last year. We spent as much time together as we could before they left for Michigan. Even though it was still extremely HOT, Jim and I painted the bottom of Palmetto Moon.....he stood and used a roller while I crawled around and used a brush on the shafts, through-hulls, trim tabs, and anything else under a boat. We did this last year and now have this down to a fairly quick routine -- it looked great! The picture above shows the view we had while on the hard.

On Saturday, June 30, Palmetto Moon was back in the water with the air conditioning on full blast and Water Dancer had taken our place on the hard.
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