Saturday, March 31, 2007

On Thursday, March 15, we enjoyed watching the release of two manatees. They had been taken in by the Miami Seaquarium as ophans about two years ago and are now ready to rejoin the manatee community. Black Point was chosen as it has plenty of manatee grass in the basin, and they will meet other manatees who will guide them out into Biscayne Bay. Sparky, pictured here, came in weighing 150 pounds and now weighs 835 pounds. The collar around Sparky's neck is a safe-release if he gets caught on something; however, a satellite transmitter is attached to the collar. The staff at Seaquarium tracks their movements and then catches them at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months to give them physical exams! For several days, we spotted their floats attached to the collars, then they were gone out into the big water.
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